Know Your 7 Chakras

In the last blog I had explained how a human body is superlative than any other living being, though all of them possess a soul within.

Hereby I am starting with a series of  KNOW YOURSELF… Part 1 

Today we will know seven super stations of energy within our body, which makes a human strong, willful, pious, mystic and strengthens our receptors to receive unlimited, unbound, unspelled energy from the cosmic world which may turn us into a superhuman, exactly like we were made.

In our body there are energy sacs known as Pranamaya kosh (प्राणमय कोष), vital energy centres. In these sacs there are 72000 Nadis (नाड़ी). A nadi never means a nerve, vein or artery nor can it be found physiologically in the body. But still they exist and have 114 chakras (चक्र) at their major meeting points. Out of them 108 chakras are active. Chakra means a wheel, but these chakras in body are of triangular shape. They are the controller of our body. Out of these 108 chakras, 7 are the main chakras and are of predominant importance in Yogic Sciences (YOGA). Not only these.. they are also responsible to pave our path to the mystic world. This also leads us to renunciation and liberation, and connects us to the Supernatural powers if we are guided properly, either by self or a Guru, the guide.

Let’s start with the details of 7 Chakras…

1. Muladhaar (मूलाधार) Chakra/ Root Chakra/ Foundation Chakra- According to metaphysics, the colour of this Chakra is bright red. Physiologically, it is at the centre of our anal and genital points. It is related with our genital parts, excretory areas, lower limbs. It’s major qualities are food and sleep limitations, exactly like animal, also known as animal behaviour. It is blocked by fear, insecurity, instability, past life’s bitter experiences etc. To heal it, we need to surrender all these negative factors and flow down our fears.

It’s beej(seed) mantra is” LAM”, to be enchanted.

2. Swaadhishthana( स्वाधिष्ठान) chakra/ Sacral chakra– The colour of this chakra is orange. It is located 2 inches below the navel, just above the genital organ. It is related to our urinary and sexual parts, lower areas of kidney. It’s major qualities are to be pleasure seekar, entertainment lover, highly reactive, excessive emotional and the worries. It is blocked by guilt and non- forgiveness. To heal it we need to be guilt- free and forgive everyone, no grudges at all.

It’s beej mantra is “VAM” , to be enchanted.

3. Manipur(मणिपुर) Chakra/ Solar plexus Chakra/ Fire Chakra- This is of yellow colour. It is located just above the naval. It is related with our digestive organs at our back side, kidneys, and connected areas. It gives social ability, interpersonal skills, confidence and above all will power. It deals with.. how receptive we are ??..even after the presence or getting of things, in our surroundings. It turns our intention to be a doer, thus bringing us ego. It is blocked by shame and gastric problems. If it is blocked, one will be non- expressive, non- presentive, with lack of confidence. To heal it we should come out of the shell of shame and improve our interpersonal relationships and communication skills.

It’s beej mantra is “RAMM”.

4. Anaahat(अनाहत) Chakra/ Heart chakra– This chakra is of green colour. It is located exactly in between the chest. It is related to our hearts, lungs, respiratory areas. It binds our body, mind and Soul. It develops the ability of expression, reaction, hope, trust, sensation, outlook, our creative centres of dancing, painting, singing, artistry, to give and receive love, codependency. It is blocked by grief, sadness, loss and one feels low, depressed and ditched, valueless, worthless. To heal it a positive attitude, thought and surrounding is necessary.

It’s beej mantra is “YAM”.

5. Vishuddhi( विशुद्धि) Chakra/ Throat Chakra- It is light blue in colour. It is located near the throat. It is related with our throat region, vocal chords, pharynx, larynx, trachea. It deals with truth, presentations, voice, survival instincts and sense of being powerful. It is blocked by lie. One will be non- expressive with speech disability, stutter or dysphrasia. It is healed by making positive sounds during sunrise at sea shores or simply by chanting “Om”.The person needs acceptance and compassion.

It’s beej mantra is “HAM”.

6. Aagya(आज्ञा) Chakra/ Light Chakra/ Third eye– It is Indigo in colour. It is located in our forehead, just between the eyebrows, slightly above where Hindus apply Tilak aur bindi( a dot of vermillion). It is connected to various parts of brain and eyes .It deals with insight, intuitions,intellect, collective- consciousness, clear and sharp vision towards things, connection to supernatural world, subconscious brain. It is blocked by dreams, illusions, and may cause mental problems. It is healed by peaceful and serene surroundings and wider outlook.

It’s beej mantra is “Om”.

7. Sahastraara( सहस्रार) / Crown Chakra- It is voilet in colour. It is at the top of our head, inactive in most of the people. It is not inside the body. It deals with realisation, liberation, renunciation, ecstatic, mystic and cosmic energy, connection with God. It is blocked by materialistic attachments, which leads to depression, negativity, loss of happiness. It can be healed by serenity, Yoga, meditation, enchantments of spiritual hymns etc.

Knowing ourselves is more than knowing this Universe….


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