Screenshot_20200726-223755_ChromeConfidence is not an attire, not a precious rare piece of jewellery, neither a makeup nor a thing which can be bought and learnt in a scheduled class. Confidence is that attitude which not only defines you, not only strengthens you but also develops that aura of positivity which helps you to pave up your path always in a right direction. But the question arises both the positive and negative characters exhibit confidence at almost equal level. They confront each other and stand opposite in their regular wars.

World’s biggest war was fought in Kurukshetra in Bharat, the story for it’s reason lies in the longest epic of the world “MAHABHARAT”. If we go through “BHAGVADGITA”, it describes all the details in 18 chapters as 18 days live text into it. Pandavas and Kauravas where cousin brothers, but when they confronted each other on war floor Pandavas were not even one tenth in number than the Kauravas. But the only thing that was possessed by them was truthfulness, that’s why Lord Krishna stood beside them, though both were friendly and relatives to him. Pandavas were fighting for justice and it is said that यतो धर्मः स्ततो विजयः ; where there is Dharma (truth & justice) there is victory. Only this attitude of being truthful, urge for justice, a strong protest against injustice, continuous abrasion with the wrong, brought a power in the Pandavas which not only made them to stand against Kauravas but also to win the most glorious historical war ever fought. This power is what we call the confidence. No matter where you are? What are the contrast situations? Who is standing with you? How will you fight? Only thing that matters is, how truthful you are?

Screenshot_20200726-223317_ChromeNow again the grey shade arises to speak out -“I am not wrong”.

Just see that is it bringing a ray of hope, happiness, peace for the needy? Does it wipe tears of the underprivileged? Does it bring justice for which the majority has been waiting since long long way? If yes, step forward with the positive attitude to win what we call as CONFIDENCE.

In day to day life, we battle almost every day at home, at workplace, in society and sometimes with ourself. Battle with ourself is the toughest one which always should have a pre- declared result to win. That is what we call CONFIDENCE.

We learn how to develop, how to grow our confidence. But we have seen innumerable cases where the most ideal characters have lost their confidence and ultimately their most precious possession, their life. This definitely indicates confidence doesn’t stay always even if it has been developed by a renowned trainer or a coach.

This means again, it needs the soulful content for a concurrent supply of divine energy and that is possible only when the person owes a positive vibrant shade. When you are full of positivity then only you can attain a positive confidence and you need to stick to it, Otherwise you will turn manipulative, cunning, calculative. There may be hurdles on your path, show bizz attracting you, flashes to distract you. No matter, move ahead, hold your head high and walk forward with grace and confidence. There is always a divine energy supporting you at your back. Materials may be less, you may lose some fun, frolic and entertainment in your life; but your values will add the real diamonds in your crown.

Confidence I must say is worn by the real fighters, real warriors and real winners .When you wear your confidence, wear it with grace, gratitude, self-esteem and continuous urge to share, to give, to donate, to fulfill. When you wear your confidence, be conscious no one snatches it, defies it or disgraces it. You should wear your confidence as a loyalty, as a responsibility, as a declared Victor.

Screenshot_20200722-204612_ChromeWear your confidence as your soul wears your body. Don’t forget if you loose your confidence you may lose this body; which I have already discussed is the temple of your soul.

Wear your confidence because you are the most powerful creature on the planet, Wear your confidence because you are the most beautiful creation of God, Wear your confidence because you are the most important happening that could happen in this world, and just wear your confidence because you have to let many more to search and wear their confidence and hence the Caravan moves on and on and on…..




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